Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tea: The Elixir of Life

Delicious, low-calorie, and brimming with antioxidants, tea is quickly becoming the most commonly consumed beverage worldwide, after water. Even in the U.S., its popularity is rapidly growing. And why not? With the health benefits you stand to gain, you, too, will want to drink up.

Soak Up the Health Benefits
It is no wonder that tea is the beverage most commonly enjoyed by centenarians around the world. Tea is full of powerful antioxidants that improve concentration, gently boost energy, and make people happier. The free radical-inhibiting property of tea is more potent than that of vitamin E, and tea is a proven preventive and treatment for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The polyphenols in tea, especially the catechins, are powerful antioxidants that help ward off diabetes and cancer.

To get the most health from your tea, brew it fresh from tea bags or loose leaves and herbs, as instant and bottled teas contain less active compounds. Let the tea steep for three to five minutes to extract the most beneficial compounds. Drink to your health!

Cut the Morning Coffee
For many people, the first thing they reach for in the morning is coffee. Although it may initially give you a jolt, coffee actually depletes your vital essence, "borrowing" energy that you didn't have in the first place.

Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant. It causes you to experience stress, anxiety, a racing mind, and even insomnia, working against your attempts to relax the body and calm the mind. A healthier alternative to coffee is herbal tea. On average, a cup of black tea contains about one third of the caffeine you would get from the same cup of coffee. Green tea contains about one sixth of that amount.

Of course, caffeine content will vary depending on the particular tea and the brewing time. One way to naturally decaffeinate your tea is to steep for 45 seconds, pour out the liquid but keep the tea leaves, then add fresh boiling water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes or longer to allow the beneficial polyphenols to be extracted from the tea.

Slim Down with Tea
As a weight loss tool, tea is a wonderfully cleansing way to flush the system, replace fluids - and pump the body full of powerful antioxidants at the same time. Aside from the health benefits, tea is a zero-calorie beverage, making it your best choice for weight loss. Pass on the diet soda, loaded with sugar and bone-weakening bubbles, and go for tea.

It is best to drink tea unsweetened and without milk, which can minimize some of the health benefits. To sweeten the tea without the extra calories, forgo the sugar and try instead honey, stevia products, or a stick of cinnamon.

The Healthy Varieties of Herbal Teas
Aromatic and chock full of amazing health benefits, herbal teas are made from various leaves, roots, bark, or flowers. Here are just a few:

  • Ginger: Soothes the digestive system and keeps your energy fired up
  • Chamomile: Settles the stomach and is calming and soothing for the nervous system
  • Peppermint: Increases healthy gastric secretions, relaxes the intestines, and settles the stomach
  • Dandelion: Detoxifies and supports healthy liver functions
  • Valerian: A natural herbal substitute for sleeping pills

You can combine these herbs in any combination according to your taste and health preferences. Among my patients, an incredibly popular herbal tea is Internal Cleanse Tea, which is specially combined to detoxify, calm nerves, clear the mind, balance emotions, and ease digestion. This tea formula is available online at

I hope you reap the powerful health benefits of tea! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

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taken from yahoo!

Why She Won't Wear Hijab!

Why She Won't Wear Hijab!
A Discussion by A.Q. Alidost

A convesation for Muslim sisters:

"I'm so tired."

"Tired of what?"

"Of all these people judging me."

"Who judged you?"

"Like that woman, every time I sit with
her, she tells me to wear hijab."

"Oh, hijab and music! The mother of all

"Yeah! I listen to music without

"Maybe she was just giving you advice."

"I don't need her advice. I know my
religion. Can`t she mind her own

"Maybe you misunderstood. She was just
being nice."

"Keeping out of my business, that would
be nice..."

"But it's her duty to encourage you do
to good."

"Trust me. That was no encouragement.
And what do you mean `good` ?"

"Well, wearing hijab, that would be a
good thing to do."

"Says who?"

"It's in the Qur'an, isn't it?"

"Yes. She did quote me something."

"She said Surah Nur, and other places of
the Qur'an."

"Yes, but it's not a big sin anyway.
Helping people and praying is more

"True. But big things start with small

"That's a good point, but what you wear
is not important. What's important
is to have a good healthy heart."

"What you wear is not important?"

"That's what I said."

"Then why do you spend an hour every
morning fixing up?"

"What do you mean?"

"You spend money on cosmetics, not to
mention all the time you spend on
fixing your hair and low-carb dieting."


"So, your appearance IS important."

"No. I said wearing hijab is not an
important thing in religion."

"If it's not an important thing in
religion, why is it mentioned in the Holy

"You know I can't follow all that's in

"You mean God tells you something to do,
you disobey and then it's OK?"

"Yes. God is forgiving."

"God is forgiving to those who repent
and do not repeat their mistakes."

"Says who?"

"Says the same book that tells you to

"But I don't like hijab, it limits my

"But the lotions, lipsticks, mascara and
other cosmetics set you free?!
What`s your definition of freedom anyway?"

"Freedom is in doing whatever you like
to do."

"No. Freedom is in doing the right
thing, not in doing whatever we wish to do."

"Look! I've seen so many people who
don't wear hijab and are nice people,
and so many who wear hijab and are bad

"So what? There are people who are nice
to you but are alcoholic. Should we all
be alcoholics? You made a stupid point."

"I don't want to be an extremist or a
fanatic. I'm OK the way I am without hijab."

"Then you are a secular fanatic. An
extremist in disobeying God."

"You don't get it, if I wear hijab, who
would marry me?!"

"So all these people with hijab never
get married?!"

"Okay! What if I get married and my
husband doesn't like it? And wants me to
remove it?"

"What if your husband wants you to go
out with him on a bank robbery?!"

"That's irrelevant, bank robbery is a

"Disobeying your Creator is not a crime?"

"But then who would hire me?"

"A company that respects people for who
they are."

"Not after 9-11"

"Yes. After 9-11. Don't you know about
Hanan who just got into med school?
And the other one, what was her name,
the girl who always wore a white


"Yes. Yasmeen. She just finished her MBA
and is now interning for GE."

"Why do you reduce religion to a piece
of cloth anyway?"

"Why do you reduce womanhood to high
heals and lipstick colors?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"In fact, I did. Hijab is not just a
piece of cloth. It is obeying God in a
difficult environment. It is courage,
faith in action, and true womanhood.
But your short sleeves, tight pants…"

"That's called `fashion`, you live in a
cave or
something? First of all, hijab was
founded by men who wanted to control

"Really? I did not know men could
control women by hijab."

"Yes. That's what it is."

"What about the women who fight their
husbands to wear hijab? And women in
France who are forced to remove their
hijab by men? What do you say about that?"

"Well, that's different."

"What difference? The woman who asked
you to wear hijab…she was a woman, right?"

"Right, but…"

"But fashions that are designed and
promoted by male-dominated corporations,
set you free? Men have no control on
exposing women and using them as a
commodity?! Give me a break!"

"Wait, let me finish, I was saying…"

"Saying what? You think that men control
women by hijab?"


"Specifically how?"

"By telling women how and what to wear,

"Doesn't TV, magazines and movies tell
you what to wear, and how to be

"Of course, it's fashion."

"Isn't that control? Pressuring you to
wear what they want you to wear?"


"Not just controlling you, but also
controlling the market."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are told to look skinny and
anorexic like that woman on the cover of
the magazine, by men who design those
magazines and sell those products."

"I don't get it. What does hijab have to
do with products."

"It has everything to do with that.
Don't you see? Hijab is a threat to
consumerism, women who spend billions of
dollars to look skinny and live by
standards of fashion designed by men…and
then here is Islam, saying trash all
that nonsense and focus on your soul,
not on your looks, and do not worry what
men think of your looks."

"Like I don't have to buy hijab? Isn't
hijab a product?"

"Yes, it is. It is a product that sets
you free from male-dominated consumerism."

"Stop lecturing me! I WILL NOT WEAR HIJAB!
It is awkward, outdated, and totally not
suitable for this society ... Moreover,
I am only 20 and too young to wear hijab!"

"Fine. Say that to your Lord, when you
face Him on Judgment Day."




"Shut up and I don't want to hear more
about hijab niqab schmijab Punjab!"


She stared at the mirror, tired of
arguing with herself all this time.

Successful enough, she managed to shut
the voices in her head, with her own
opinions triumphant in victory on the
matter, and a final modern decision
accepted by the society - but rejected
by the Faith:

"Yes!" - to curls on the hair - "No!" -
to hijab!

"And he (/she) is indeed a failure who
corrupts it [the soul]!"
[Holy Quran 91:10]


"Nay! You prefer the life of this world;
While the hereafter is better and more
[Holy Quran: 87:16-17]

"You are the best community (Ummah)
raised up for (the benefit of) humanity;
enjoining what is right and forbidding
what is wrong and believing in Allah."
[Holy Quran: 3:110]


Allah Maha Besar

Doa Iftitah
Allah Maha Besar dan segala puji bagi
Allah dengan banyaknya.
Maha suci Allah sepanjang pagi dan petang.
Aku hadapkan wajahku bagi Tuhan yang
mencipta langit dan bumi,
dengan suasana lurus dan berserah diri
dan aku bukan dari golongan orang musyrik.
Sesungguhnya solatku,
adalah untuk Allah Tuhan sekelian alam.
Tidak ada sekutu bagiNya dan kepadaku
diperintahkan untuk tidak
menyekutukan bagiNya dan aku dari
golongan orang Islam.

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi
maha Mengasihani.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.
Yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani.
Yang menguasai hari pembalasan.
Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah dan
hanya kepada Engkau kami mohon pertolongan.
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus.
Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau
kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan
jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai dan
bukan jalan mereka yang sesat.

Bacaan ketika rukuk
Maha Suci TuhanKu Yang Maha Mulia dan
dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika bangun dari rukuk
Allah mendengar pujian orang yang memujinya.

Bacaan ketika iktidal
Wahai Tuhan kami, bagi Engkaulah segala

Bacaan ketika sujud
Maha suci TuhanKu yang Maha Tinggi dan
dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika duduk di antara dua sujud
Ya Allah, ampunilah daku,
Rahmatilah daku,
kayakan daku,
angkatlah darjatku,
rezekikan daku,
berilah aku hidayah,
sihatkanlah daku dan
maafkanlah akan daku.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Awal
Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat
yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan
rahmat Allah serta
Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas
hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan
melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi
bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas
Nabi Muhammad.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Akhir
Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat
yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan
rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.
Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas
hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan
melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi
bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas
Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarganya.
Sebagaimana Engkau selawatkan ke atas
Ibrahim dan atas keluarga Ibrahim.
Berkatilah ke atas Muhammad dan atas
keluarganya sebagaimana Engkau berkati
ke atas Ibrahim dan atas keluarga
Ibrahim di dalam alam ini.
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Terpuji lagi
Maha Agung.

Doa Qunut
Ya Allah, berilah aku petunjuk
sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah
Engkau tunjuki.
Sejahterakanlah aku sebagaimana
orang-orang yang telah Engkau sejahterakan.
Pimpinlah aku sebagaimana orang-orang
yang telah Engkau pimpin.
Berkatilah hendaknya untukku apa-pa yang
telah Engkau berikan padaku.
Jauhkanlah aku daripada segala kejahatan
yang telah Engkau tetapkan.
Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau sahajalah yang
menetapkan, dan tidak sesiapapun yang
berkuasa menetapkan sesuatu selain
daripada Engkau.
Sesungguhnya tidak terhina orang yang
memperolehi pimpinanMu.
Dan tidak mulia orang-orang yang Engkau
Telah memberi berkat Engkau, ya Tuhan
kami dan maha tinggi Engkau.
Hanya untuk Engkau sahajalah segala
macam puji terhadap apa-apa yang telah
Engkau tetapkan.
Dan aku minta ampun dan bertaubat kepada
Dan Allah rahmatilah Muhammad, Nabi yang
ummi dan sejahtera keatas keluarganya
dan sahabat-sahabatnya.

"wahai tuhan ku tak layak kesyurgamu
...namun tak pula aku sanggup
keNerakamu....kami lah hamba yang
mengharap belas darimu ."ya allah
jadikan lah kami hamba2 mu yang
bertaqwa..ampunkan dosa2 kami .kedua
ibubapa kami .dosa semua umat2 islam
yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jangan Minum Guna Cawan ini!!!

Bekas minuman yang dicorakan dengan lukisan beruang "Koala sedang melukis", sekali kilas mesti tak perasan, tapi kuasa ALLAH tu Maha Besar & Agung memberikan penglihatan dan penelitian yang tajam supaya kita dapat mengenalpasti apa yang bercanggah disisi agama islam.. gambar ini telah diambil pada hari jumaat di perkarangan masjid yg bertentangan sunway piramid di PJ.
supaya kita dapat melumpuhkan dan mengelak dari membeli minuman yg menggunakan cawan plastik ini. Insyallah..

Friday, February 1, 2008


Kita pasti dirisik..
Pertunangan sejak azali..
Di hujung hidup nanti..

Berlangsungnya perkahwinanmu dengan maut..
Hantarannya..sakit dan nazak..
Tamu bertandang menghadiahkan esak tangis..
Pengantin dimandikan..

Dipakaikan baju cantik putih..
Wangian gaharu dan cendana..
Keranda jadi pelaminan..
Pengantin bersanding sendirian..

Di arak keliling kampung..
Berkompangkan azan dan kalimah kudus..
Akad nikahnya bacaan talkin..
Berwalikan liang lahat..

Saksi pula nisan-nisan..
Siraman air mawar..
Keluarga terdekat menepung tawar..
Tiba masa pengantin..
Menunggu sendirian..

Malam pertama bersama KEKASIH..
Di kamar bertilamkan tanah..
Dan Dia menuntut janji..
Sucikah kita tatkala berpadu..

Pernahkah taubat sepanjang hayat..
Atau terkubur bersama dosa-dosa...
Dan Dia Kekasih itu..
Menetapkanmu ke syurga..
Atau melemparkan dirimu ke neraka..