pagi tadi...
semasa berjalan menuju ke ofis...
this thing struck my head again...
key to HAPPINESS ---> be THANKFUL of what you have
kenapa benda ni boleh ter'struck' my head tetibe?
hee :D
because at that time i was comparing myself to some other person...
bla..bla..bla... bermonolog sendiri di dalam hati
and then i said to myself... hey be thankful for what you have!
my condition is far much better compare to some people out there!
so people... bersyukurlah atas segala nikmat Allah pada kita!
simple thing that we can do is just by saying Alhamdulillah.
the other thing that we can do is share the advantage that we have with others
and also selalu2 lah "bersujud syukur"! ^__~
aah and also i've got another key!
key to Peace & Tranquility --> Always remember Allah!
"ala bizikrillahi totmainul qulub!" ; dengan mengingati Allah hati2 akan menjadi tenang.
ingat Allah?
1.berzikir. Subhanallah, Allahu Akbar dll bila2 masa sahaja. ketika berdiri, duduk, berjalan dsb.
2.baca quran
3.always quetions urself.. who give you the power to do all the things you do
4.lihat alam sekitar.....terlalu byk/besar keagungan Tuhan
kadang bile teringat kat somebody perhaps yg mgkn belum halal @ berhak bg kita mengingati @ merindui mereka cepat2 la beristighfar dan byk2an berzikir....Allah lebih berhak akan sebuah kerinduan itu!
-sebuah motivasi untuk diri sendiri-
a simple tazkirah to me, myself and anybody out there